Detailed Synopsis
To have a great day and a great life begins with attitude. We explore being proactive, positive and in control of your thoughts and your life. We address the importance of goal setting and how to write meaningful lifetime and daily goals. We discuss the value of time and how to manage one’s time most effectively. We discuss communication skills for leadership and success. We discuss financial tips for success and the time value of money. We conclude by putting it all together into how a great day may look!
We explore being proactive, positive, responsible and in control. We discuss what is success and what a makes a great life. We look at what makes a good habit. We then discuss the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Belief, the Law of Expectation, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Correspondence, the Law of Concentration and the Law of Substitution. The overall message is “we become what we think about” and if you change your thinking, you can change your life.
Goal setting is the master skill of success. Writing out goals is one of the most important things we can do. Yet, less than 3% of people have ever taken the time to write out their lifetime goals. We discuss the importance of goal setting and value of writing down goals. We discuss how to develop major goals, a “major definite purpose” and corresponding detailed plans of action. We will do some exercises in which participants can write out their goals and action plans. We then show how the same personal goal setting methodology can be used effectively for professional goal setting for businesses and government, otherwise known as strategic planning.
Time Management
Do you feel like you never have enough time to get everything done? At the end of a busy day, do you wonder if you accomplished anything important? Do you feel like you are spinning your wheels? Do you wonder what the top of your desk looks like (is it wood or metal)? This overview of time management looks at life management, setting priorities based on your goals and then offers tips to avoid wasting time. Come listen to how you can improve your life at work and at home by managing your time better.
Specifically, the time management portion will cover:
- Definition of Time
- Life Management versus life leadership
- Definition of Time Management
- Keys to Effective Time Management
- Time Management Matrix
- 7 Ways to Get More Done
- Delegating
- Time Wasters
- Organize Desk
- Other Time Management Best Practices
- Meetings
- Avoiding Procrastination
Communicating for Success
We will address various time-tested communication principles and skills including body language, active listening and persuasive speaking that help enhance your success at work and at home. We will explore ways to communicate better in person (formally and informally), over the phone, via e-mail and at meetings. We will also review the soft skills of communications that help you build a better life.
Personal Finances for Success
We talk for approximately 45 minutes to one hour about tips for financial success and the time value of money. This segment addresses investing, saving and credit card debt. This section can be expanded as many people have great interest in this subject.
Managing Change for Success
We discuss the need to change, why people tend not to change and ways to implement successful and positive change. This segment can often be combined with the Attitude segment or can be stand-alone.
Putting it Together to Make a Great Day
We conclude by wrapping attitude, goal setting and time management together and describing what makes a great day.
Leadership for Success
Where are you on the leadership scale? How can you improve your leadership effectiveness and increase your influence to obtain better results that lead to achieving your personal and organization’s goals and strategies? This workshop will address the attributes of both personal and organizational leaders. We will look at the types of leaders and the five levels of leadership: Position, Permission, Production, People Development and Pinnacle. The seminar will explore tips on becoming a more effective leader including having a leadership attitude, setting goals and strategies, managing priorities, delegating, communicating and handling change.
Technical Writing for Success
Similar to communicating for success, how do you persuade and influence people to take desired actions or understand what you wish to convey using the written medium. This course looks at how to write technical letters, memos and e-mails properly and concisely to deliver important messages and develop rapport with your readers.
Interviewing for Success
This program explores best practices in interviewing to win a job. It looks at the hiring process and how to deliver a great interview and how to follow up to win the position.
Resumes & Cover Letter Writing for Success
This program explores best practices in interviewing to win a job. It looks at the hiring process and how to deliver a great interview and how to follow up wo win the position.