- STV University (regular presenter for different 1.25 hour lunch time presentations) – 4 lunchtime sessions presented every 6 months.
- University of Maryland Honors Program (1.5 hour presentations), 2009- 2012.
- University of Maryland Senior Civil Engineering Capstone (1.25 hour presentations), 2006-present.
- UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), 2012-present (1 hour presentations on Goal Setting, Time Management, Communications for Success and Interviewing for Success)
- UMES (University of Maryland Eastern Shore) – 8 Hour Sessions: 9/21/13, 4/26/14 & 4/11/15
- Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering
- Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) Graduate Engineers Training Program (8 hours), 2009- 2011 (2 times per year), 2015 (3-all day sessions) and 2016.
- Maryland SHA Advanced Leadership Program (3-4 hours), 2007-present.
- Maryland SHA Professional Enrichment Program (3 hours), 2011 Inauguration on 6/9/11.
- Maryland Transit Administration, Construction Division & Planning Division (4 hours), 2007 to present.
- Maryland Quality Initiative Conference (1.25 - 2.5 hours), 2007 to present. (2/3/16 Goal Setting for Success – 1.5 hours—Highest Rated Session for the Conference).
- WTS Baltimore: 3 Hour Session for the Mentoring Programming (usually presented once per year).